:: 로드 아일랜드 한인회 - Korean-American Association of Rhode Island ::
한인회 소식

You are invited to the 70th-anniversary ceremony for Korean War Cease Fire, organized by the State's House Veteran's Office.
When: Thursday, July 27 at 11 AM
Where: Korean War Memorial (corner of South Main Street and College Hill, Providence, RI)


This memorial was built on October 8, 1998, for the Rhode Island Korean War veterans who died in the Korean War. The names of the individuals and organizations that sponsored the monument are engraved on the bricks. There is a boardwalk made out of named bricks around the soldier sculpture. The white bricks symbolize the veterans who died or disappeared during the Korean War, and the red bricks bear the names of individuals or organizations that sponsored the monument.

We supported the monument in 2008 by donating two red bricks (KOREAN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF RI IN DEEP APPRECIATION "YOU SAVED OUR COUNTRY") (pictured below)


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