:: 로드 아일랜드 한인회 - Korean-American Association of Rhode Island ::
한인회 소식

옛공고 Coronavirus Relief Funds

2020.12.25 06:00

RI한인회 Views:829


Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA) 에서는 COVID-19 사태로 인하여  경제적으로 어려움을 겪고 있는 로드아일랜드주의 봉사단체들을 돕기 위하여 후원금을 지원하였습니다.  우리 한인회에서도 신청서를 작성하여서, 지난 4 23에 $1500, 1218일에 $1500을 받아서 총액 $3,000을 받았습니다.   또한 최근에는 CRF (Coronavirus Relief Fund) 그랜트 신청을 하여서  추가로 $9,000을 받았습니다 (아래 News-brief 참조). 


이 후원금은 COVID-19으로 인하여 한인회가 모든 공식 행사가 취소되어서 행사 운영에 사용 할 수 없지만, 이사회, 문화위원회와 건물위원회에서 의논하여 한인회 건물을 유지/보수하는데 사용하기로 하였습니다.  모두가 겪고 있는 어려운 상황에도 불구하고 받게된 이 후원금은 우리 한인회에게는 가뭄에 얻은 샘물과 같아서 감사하게 사용될 것입니다.


The RI State Council on the Arts (RISCA) has awarded close to $1 million in Covid Relief Funds (CRF) to artists, professional arts education associations, and arts and culture organizations. These grants announced today provide badly needed assistance to organizations, artists and arts educators who continue to experience economic hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.


“I’m immensely proud that we can provide this essential support to artists and nonprofit arts organizations here in Rhode Island. These are difficult times for everyone in the arts sector. The pandemic has closed concert halls, theatres and museums, and put working artists out of work. The ability to pay salaries and help artists pay rent and put food on the table is critical to the lives and livelihoods of these Rhode Islanders, and I’m happy that we are in a position to help.”




In addition to artists, and arts and culture organizations, grant recipients include 11 organizations associated with the Rhode Island Expansion Arts Program (RIEAP) and seven culturally specific nonprofits. RIEAP is a partnership among RISCA, RI Council for the Humanities (RICH) and Rhode Island Foundation to support community-based, culturally diverse arts and cultural organizations.


List of Organizations that received grants:


Current RIEAP Cohort

Sankofa Community Connection, EcoArts USA, Langston Hughes Community Poetry Reading, Korean American Association of Rhode Island


RIEAP Alumni

Puerto Rican Institute for Arts & Advocacy, Eastern Medicine Cultural LLC, Oasis International, India Association of Rhode Island, Cambodian Society of Rhode Island,

RI Cape Verdean Heritage Committee, Quisqueya in Action


Culturally Specific Organizations

Providence Latin American Film Festival, Rhode Island Kung Fu & Lion Dance Club,

Stages of Freedom, Southside Cultural Center, Centro Cultural Andino Inc.,

Mixed Magic, RPM Voices of RI



December 18, 2020

Congratulations! I am happy to announce that the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA) has awarded Korean American Association of Rhode Island (KAARI) a Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) grant in the amount of $9,000.00. We understand that this is an extremely challenging time, and we thank you for your perseverance and contributions to Rhode Island’s economy and the creative life of our communities.

Randall Rosenbaum, Executive Director
Rhode Island State Council on the Arts


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294 1981년 한인회 회보(2회~6회) file 2015.12.13
293 2015 노인회(상록회) 총회 후기 file 2015.12.15
292 2015 로드아일랜드 한인회 총회 및 연말파티 file 2015.12.21
291 2016년도 신년사 file 2016.01.02
290 2016년 로드아일랜드 한인회 제1차 정기 이사회 개최 공고 2016.01.09
289 삼일절 기념 행사 file 2016.02.02
288 2016년도 1차 정기 이사회 개최 2016.02.03
287 로드아일랜드 한인회 2016년 예정행사 2016.02.16
286 삼월하늘 2016.03.03
285 2016년 3.1절 기념식 후기 file 2016.03.03
284 한인회 웹사이트 2016.03.06
283 로드아일랜드 한인회 역사 file 2016.03.16