:: 로드 아일랜드 한인회 - Korean-American Association of Rhode Island ::


I am a member of a team of researchers at Case Western Reserve University. We are conducting an online study on the effects of the stereotypes on Asians’ mental health.  The goal of the study is to understand whether the internalization of stereotypes is associated with stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. The study involves completing online questionnaires about the experiences of Asian adults. We hope to use the information gathered through this project to decrease stigma and understand mental health as it pertains to the Asian community. 

Below are the social media, website, and twitter advertisements for the study in case you decide that you would be willing to help us out and post the advertisement. Thank you so much for your consideration and your commitment to the Asian community! 

Best Regards,

Callie Wang


Website and Facebook advertisement:


Researchers at Case Western Reserve University are conducting an online study of the experiences of Asian American adults. The study involves completing online questionnaires about your experiences and emotions. In order to complete it, you must be at least 18 years of age. The study should take about 45–60 minutes to complete. You will have the option of including your contact information in order to be entered into a raffle for a gift card. The information gathered from this study may help us to better understand the experiences of Asian American individuals.


For more information please go to: https://cwru.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1B2xQvkVMONYW1L


Twitter advertisements:

To participate in a study of the experiences of Asian American adults please go to https://cwru.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1B2xQvkVMONYW1L


Are you Asian American? Please participate in an online study. https://cwru.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1B2xQvkVMONYW1L

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