:: 로드 아일랜드 한인회 - Korean-American Association of Rhode Island ::
한인회 소식





The Korean American Association of Rhode Island (KAARI) strongly condemns Russia's invasion of Ukraine, causing unforgivable humanitarian suffering and directly challenging Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity.


The KAARI community vividly remembers the tragedies and atrocities committed by the North Korean communist government and its agents during the Korean War. 


The Korean community has also never forgotten the aid of the United Nations, principally the United States. Korea would be vastly different without the men and women who rose to defend Korea in its time of need.


Koreans are adamant about remembering their heroes, especially the American heroes, and demonstrate as such every Memorial Day and Veteran's day without fail.  


The painful memories of the Korean War are rekindled as we look upon Ukraine, desperately awaiting sustained emergency assistance to defend against Russia's act of unnecessary war.


The KAARI fully supports the immediate imposition of strong, robust, and effective sanctions on Russia. We stand with the people of Ukraine and NATO allies and partners most threatened by Russian aggression. 

No. Subject Date
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Notice RI Annual Heritage Festival 2024.09.06
Notice Rhode Island Korean Festival! 2024.09.06
Notice 2024년 광복절 피크닉 후기 2024.08.16
Notice 한국전쟁 정전협정 기념식 후기 2024.08.06
Notice 노인회 모임 후 기 2024.06.06
Notice Senator Jack Reed 방문/ 2023년 한인회 오픈하우스/총회 후기 2024.01.30
Notice 윤광옥 신임 회장님 신년인사 (제 38대 2024-2025) 2024.01.29
Notice 2023년 한인회 오픈하우스/총회 후기 2023.12.20
Notice RI Korean: My Turn 2023.09.05
Notice 한인회관/문화관 활성화 안내 2019.06.21
Notice 한인회관/ 노래방 사용 안내 2019.02.24
333 2022년 광복절 국악 공연: Sounds of Korea file 2022.05.04
332 우크라이나 전쟁 난민 도움 모금 운동 2022.03.22
331 불우 이웃을 찿습니다 2022.03.22
330 RI 상원의원 Jack Reed 님으로 부터의 응답 file 2022.03.16
329 103주년 3.1절 기념행사 (3개주 합동) 후기 file 2022.03.13
327 103주년 3.1절 기념행사 (3개주 합동) file 2022.02.28
326 순회영사 2022.2.9(수) 후기 file 2022.02.13
325 보스턴총영사관 순회영사 2022.2.9(수)  2022.02.03
324 2021년 한인회 재정보고 file 2022.01.29
323 한인회 그랜트/도네이션 file 2022.01.20
322 제 38대 로드아일랜드 한인회장 신년사 file 2022.01.09
321 오픈 하우스/정기총회 후기 file 2021.12.16
320 한인회관 오픈하우스/총회 file 2021.11.14
319 Veterans Day Ceremony (Nov 11, 2021) file 2021.11.12
318 부음 - 정무광님 2021.10.21
317 수라 바베큐 식당에서 노인회 식사 대접 file 2021.09.25
316 제 76주년 광복절/한국의 날 후기 file 2021.08.18
315 광복절 총영사관 순회영사 2021.8.15(일) 2021.07.31
314 68th Anniversary Cease Fire 행사 후기 file 2021.07.28