March |
Independence Movement Day / Life & Way Presbyterian Church |
May |
Memorial Day / Veterians Memorial Cemetery, Exeter |
July |
Korean War Cease Fire Ceremony |
August |
Liberation Day of Korea |
September |
Heritage day |
November |
Veterans day |
December |
Chrismas/Year End Party |
Chapter 1: General Rules
Article 1: The Society is called the Korean American Association of Rhode Island and is a non-profit corporation under the Law of the State of Rhode Island.
Article 2: This society shall promote mutual friendship and help the members improve their welfare and education
Article 3: The society shall cover the State of Rhode Island and its adjacent states.
Article 4: The business year of this meeting shall be from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
Chapter 2: Membership
Article 5: The Society shall consist of regular members, associate members, and honorary members as defined below.
Regular Member: shall be a Korean national over the age of 18 (hereinafter referred to as "Korean") residing in the area encompassed by Association’s locations.
Associate Member: shall be a spouse and foster parent of a Korean national.
Honorary Membership: An Honorary Member is any person who agrees with the purpose of the Association and its projects. Requires an agreement from the board of directors.
Article 6: Regular members and associate members are obligated to abide by the bylaws and to pay dues. A regular member is eligible to run for office.
Chapter 3: Organizations and functions
Article 7: In order to achieve the purpose of the Association, a body “Board of Directors” shall be established (12-member elected board members).
Article 8:
1. General Assembly is a meeting of all members. It shall be the highest resolution organ of the Association, and shall be convened by the President in December every year.
2. At the General Assembly meeting, members will discuss previous year's financial report and business report, New Year’s business plans and budget discussions, elect the next president and directors. Members may also revise the rules of procedure and any other matters deemed necessary by the Board of Directors and other matters raised at the General Assembly meeting.
3. The General Assembly shall be attended by at least one-tenth or more of the total number of regular and associate members, and all decisions shall be made by a majority. However, amendment of the rules of procedure shall be determined by a two-thirds majority of the members present.
Article 9: When deemed necessary by the Board of Directors or when more than ten members request in writing to the Board, the president shall call a provisionary General Assembly meeting within four weeks.
Article 10:
1. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the president, the president-elect, the immediate past president, the principal of the Korean-American school, chairman of the board of the Korean-American School, representatives of Korean groups, the secretary general, the chairperson of the Korean Community Building Committee and 8 elected directors. Chairman shall run board meetings and the general secretary is responsible for the record. The chairman of the Board of Directors shall be elected every two years by a majority of the board members.
2. The directors shall be elected to represent various Korean Americans in Rhode Island, with a term of office of four consecutive years.
3. The Chairman of the Board shall convene a regular board meeting at least three times a year. Majority of the directors shall be present at the board meeting in order to form a quorum.
4. The Board of Directors shall resolve the following matters:
A) Recommendation candidates for president-elect and chairman-elect
B) Selection of replacement of board members, selection of honorary members and, if necessary, discuss suitability
C) Consideration of dues, budget settlement, business plan, business report
D) Recommend changes of bylaws
E) Deliberation of the agenda submitted to the General Assembly
F) Other important matters
5. The Board shall select three auditors from among the elected directors and report audit results to the General Assembly.
6. Any board member fails to attend board meeting for more than one year shall be dismissed.
7. Qualifications of President and Director
A) The presidential candidate shall have experience of serving as a Korean American association executive or director.
B) If he/she does not meet the above conditions, selection is possible with approval of two-thirds of the board members.
A) The elected director shall be a resident of Rhode Island for at least three years.
(B) A person who has paid dues for two years or more and has a term of office of four years.
C) In case he/she does not meet the above conditions, selection is possible with approval of two-thirds of the board members.
Article 12: (Executive Committee) The Executive Committee shall consist of the president, the president-elect, and all the secretaries specified in Article 13. President shall convene executive meetings at least once a year as necessary. The term of executive committee members is two years and can be renewed with an exception of the presidency. Past presidents are advisers to the president.
Article 13: (Duties of Officers)
1. President: The president shall represent the organization and shall lead the executive committee meetings and the General Assembly.
2. The president-elect shall assist the president and shall act on his duties when the president is absent.
3. Secretary General: By the resolution of the executive committee, secretary general shall deal with the duties of the committee and undertake cultural exchange and foreign affairs. In addition, at the time of the vacancy of the president and the president-elect, the secretary general may temporarily conduct the meeting.
4. Clerk of Secretary: To write and save the minutes of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors. Also clerk of secretary is responsible for creating member address book.
5. Financial Director: It supervises all the finance of the plenary session and is responsible for the payment of cash.
6. Woman Affairs Secretary: Responsible for activities related to women and children belonging to the Association and their fellowship.
7. Student Secretary: Take charge of all student members.
8. Editor Secretary: Responsible for publications.
Article 14: (Method of electing officers and the board of directors) 1. The president shall be elected from among the members of the board of directors, and elected by the General Assembly one year before its inauguration.
2. The elected director shall be elected by the Board of Directors or from among the active members who are nominated by more than five members. When there is a vacancy, the board of directors will select it and serve only the remaining term.
3. The secretary shall be appointed by the president from among its members and shall be approved by the board.
4. When vacancies occur, the president shall appoint the chairperson and allow him / her to serve the remaining term with the consent of the board of directors.
Chapter 4: Finance
Article 15: (Income) The expenses of the Association shall be covered by membership dues, donations, and income from other functions.
Article 16: (Expenditure) All expenses of the General Assembly shall be carried out within the budget, through the approval of the executive committee, with proper documentation.
Supplementary Provision
This Code shall take effect from the time of its adoption at the inaugural General Meeting.
Transitional measure
1. The president and elected directors upon the passage of this resolution shall be elected by the general assembly.
2. The term of office of five elected directors at the time of passage of this Bylaws shall be 3 years, 2 years and 1 year.
3. The first business year following the passage of this bylaw shall be until the end of 1976.
1. This bylaw was amended on December 15, 1979 - Articles 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 12
2. 1996 - The number of elected directors has been revised from 3 to 5
3. 1999 - The task force leader was supplemented by becoming an ex officio director.
4. 2005 - Presidency term has been revised to two-year terms.
5. 2007 - The number of elected directors has been revised from 5 to 3
6. 2011 - Article 10 Clause 7 Added President and Director’s Status
7. 2013 - In Article 14, the election of chairman was changed from one year before to two years.
8. 2016 - Article 10 (Board of Directors) Added the Chairman of the Building Committee of Korean Community Hall
Ad hoc Building Committee of Korean Community Hall
The Rhode Island Korean House charter was enacted in 1981
1. The Registrar shall provide for the fundraising for the establishment of the Rhode Island Korean Community.
2. Fund raising method shall be decided by the Korean Community Building Committee.
3. Fund management shall be by a resolution of the board of directors of the Korean American Association.
4. Include all donations in the fund's principal.
5. Funds shall be deposited in accordance with the deposit method determined by the Board of Directors.
6. The income (interest, profit, dividend, etc.) that comes out of the Korean Community Building Fund will be used for the purpose of establishing and operating the Korean Community Center.
7. The fund-raising period shall be until the completion of the construction of the hall or until it is decided separately by the General Assembly.
8. The Korean Community Building Committee shall be constituted in accordance with the following sub-clause
A) The Korean Community Building Committee is an affiliated organization of the Korean American Association of Rhode Island for the construction of the Korean Community Center Building Fund, and 3 directors (Korean Association President, Secretary General, Chairman) and four councilors who are not board directors of the Korean Association.
B) The chairperson of the Korean Community Hall is elected from among the councilors of the constitutional committee, with the consent of the board of directors of the Korean Association and with further approval by the general assembly.
(C) The chairman of the construction committee shall report regularly to the board of directors and communicate effectively with the board. He/she shall serve as an ex officio director on the board of directors of the Korean American Association.
D) The term of office of the Korean Community Building Committee and Chairman shall be three years, with a preference to consecutive serve.
(E) The chairperson shall report the fund-raising status and activities to the board of directors.
Ad hoc Building Committee of Korean Community Hall Amendment
1996 - Original Article 7 'The first fund raising period shall be for 5 years (until December 1985)' has been modified.
2012 - The method of fund raising was revised from the resolution of the board of directors to the Korean Community Building Committee.
2012 - Added the composition and terms of the Korean Community Building Committee.
2016 - The chair of the building committee is added to be a permanent ex officio board of director.