2024.11.18 19:26
RI Veterans Day Memorial Service/Restoration of the Korean War Veterans Memorial
The Rhode Island Korean War Veterans Memorial in the Exeter War Veterans Cemetery has been restored. Since its erection in 1998, it has stood silently through the four seasons of Rhode Island for 27 years and has become a place where veterans and their families can share memories with their loved ones who did not return from the Korean War. Our RI Korean Association attends Memorial Day and Veterans Day events with Korean War veterans yearly to commemorate the deceased.
The total size of the memorial is 56’ wide and 12.5’ high, and it is made of over 90 tons of marble. Inside are seven marble panels engraved with the map of the Republic of Korea and the logos of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard. Above these panels, the slogan “FREEDOM IS NOT FREE” is engraved in large letters. In addition, there is various information about the Korean War on the marble that makes up the monument, so when you stand in front of the memorial, you will naturally think back on the devastation of the Korean War.
The Korean American Association of Rhode Island (KAARI) has managed the small flower gardens on both sides of the monument by planting Sharon roses and flowering trees. However, the symbol logos and letters engraved on the monument, which is the main character, have been exposed to natural disasters for a long time, so the paint has peeled off and become dirty with dust, losing much of its original appearance. The Rhode Island Korean Association Board has decided to restore the monument. It started the restoration work two years ago and is now nearly complete.
The total amount spent on the restoration work is $11,174. All costs were covered by $8,424 in sponsorship from the Republic of Korea Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (see link below) and $4,126 in donations from Chapter 2 Veterans in 2021 (see link below). In particular, we would like to express my sincere gratitude to Consul General Jae-hui Kim and Deputy Consul General Soon-Bok Hong for their help in facilitating the receiving process from the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs of the Republic of Korea.
During the two-year restoration project, we focused on thoroughly cleaning the dust and old dirt covering the entire monument and renewing the peeling paint on its image to restore it to its original appearance. In particular, during this restoration project, “EAST SEA” was engraved on the map of the Republic of Korea in the center of the monument.
The event was attended by surviving veterans and their families, Consulate General officials, and many members of the Korean Association. It was hosted by Korean War Veteran Chapter 3 Commander Richard Mende. The Veterans Day memorial service was followed by a ceremony to commemorate the completion of the monument restoration project. By hosting the event, we were able to repay the sacrifices and dedication of the surviving veterans.
After the event, Vice Consul General Soon-Bok Hong hosted dinner for the attendees at Gregg Restaurant.
Chapter 2 Korean War Veterans’ Donation
Please refer to the link below for more information about the Korean War Veterans Memorial Restoration Project.
Newly engraved "East Sea"
From left: Tony Avakian, Vinnie Doyle, James Loghry, Gus Pagel, Bob Jaworski, John Vellucci, Charles Compton & Richard Mende (RI KWV Commander)
RI Korean War Veteran (KWV) Chapter 3 Commander Richard Mende
James Loghry
김재휘 총영사, 홍순복 부총영사와 참석자들
Color Guard
강순 재무, 윤광옥 한인회장
Veteran Steve Sharkey & 대한민국 국군장병
Boston Consul General Jae-whi Kim
Color Guard
KAARI President Angela Sharkey
KWV Bob Jaworski
Contractor James, Loffredo Monuments LLC
Bongsup Cho, KAARI Board
Boston Consul General, Ja-Whi Kim, KWV RI Chapter 3 Commander Richard Mende, KAARI President Angela Sharkey
RI KWV Chapter 3 Marge Walsh
RI KWV Chapter 3 Commander Richard Mende
Thank you!
Gregg Restaurant, North Kingstown