:: 로드 아일랜드 한인회 - Korean-American Association of Rhode Island ::

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보스톤미술관 한류 전시회가  March 24–July 28, 2024까지 열립니다.  아래 링크를 참고하세요.  


The Museum of Fine Arts is celebrating it with a retrospective called “Hallyue! The Korean Waver," which opens March 24 and runs through July 28.




From tradition to trendsetting


Today, South Korea is a cultural superpower—a global trendsetter producing award-winning films like Parasite, riveting dramas like Squid Game, and chart-topping music by K-pop groups such as BTS and BLACKPINK. But behind the country’s meteoric rise to the world stage—a phenomenon known as the Korean Wave, or Hallyu—is the story of remarkable resilience and innovation.


Just a century ago, following its occupation by Japan and the Korean War, Korea was in search of a new national identity. Harnessing cutting-edge technology, the country has rapidly transformed its economy and international reputation. At the same time, its creative outputs are deeply rooted in its past, with many contemporary artists, filmmakers, musicians, and fashion designers paying tribute to traditional values and art forms dating back to Korea’s dynastic kingdom days.


“Hallyu! The Korean Wave” features approximately 250 objects—costumes, props, photographs, videos, pop culture ephemera, and contemporary works. Among the highlights are outfits worn by different generations of K-pop idols, dresses by couture designer Park Sohee and Next in Fashion winner Minju Kim, a large-scale needlework designed by South Korean artist Kyungah Ham and made by anonymous embroiderers from North Korea, and pieces exploring the Korean American experience by Timothy Hyunsoo Lee and Julia Kwon. Additionally, the exhibition showcases objects from the MFA’s renowned collection of Korean art, including the iconic moon jar and hanbok.


Join us on an immersive and multisensory journey through a fascinating history, and celebrate a vibrant creative force that bridges cultural, societal, and linguistic divides and continues to reach new heights today.






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