:: 로드 아일랜드 한인회 - Korean-American Association of Rhode Island ::
한인회 소식



We, the undersigned citizens of the United States, draw the attention of the U.S. House of Representatives to the 

According to recent news reports, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is visiting Washington in late April or early May 

2015 and he is seeking to address a joint session of Congress. While Mr. Abe is welcome to Washington, there are serious concerns 

among Americans on his revisionist view of the past, especially denying the verdicts of the Tokyo Tribunal after World War II.

Mr. Abe and the leaders of the Japanese Government constantly declared that the war criminals who were convicted by the 

Tokyo Tribunal are not war criminals under the Japanese law and honored them as national heroes by visiting Yasukuni Shrine in 

Tokyo, where more than 1,000 war criminals from World War II, including 14 Class A war criminals like Hideki Tojo, who is 

responsible for the Pearl Harbor attack, are enshrined and revered. Mr. Abe has visited Yasukuni Shrine many times as recently as 

December 2013 in his official capacity as the Prime Minister.

The House Chamber is a sacred ground in American history, where President Roosevelt passionately delivered his “Infamy 

Speech” and where Congress then declared war on Imperial Japan. If Mr.Abe speaks on the same floor as President, and then 

subsequently honors in Tokyo those who launched the Pearl Harbor attack, it is utterly disrespectful to the memory of both President 

Roosevelt and all the American heroes before us.

Therefore, we urge you to ask House Speaker John Boehner to not allow Prime Minister Abe to address a joint 

session of Congress unless that 

(1) he acknowledges the war criminals convicted in the Tokyo Tribunal as war criminals under a
(2) he promises not to visit the controversial Yasukuni Shrine; and

(3) he publicly refutes all anti-American distortions of the history.

Please visit 
www.kafus.org then particpate our online petition


No. Subject Date
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Notice 지상욱 한인회장 외교부 표창장 2024.02.18
Notice 2024년 105주년 3.1절 기념 행사 (3개주 합동) 2024.02.18
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Notice 윤광옥 신임 회장님 신년인사 (제 38대 2024-2025) 2024.01.29
Notice 2023년 한인회 오픈하우스/총회 후기 2023.12.20
Notice 시니어 점심/간담회 2023.12.09
Notice RI Korean: My Turn 2023.09.05
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Notice 한인회관/ 노래방 사용 안내 2019.02.24
181 A Non War Story by Korean War Veteran Douglas C Gamage file 2017.11.19
180 부음 2017.11.14
179 RI 한인회 2017년 총회/년말 파티 file 2017.11.12
178 2016년 3차 이사회 모임/후기 file 2017.11.12
177 부음 2017.10.31
176 부음 2017.10.23
175 Open House in the News; 한인회관/문화관 개관식 후기 2 file 2017.10.08
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173 한인회관/문화관 개관식 후기 1 (KAARI OPEN HOUSE) file 2017.10.02
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164 로드아일랜드 한인회관/문화관 file 2017.07.31
163 한국 참전용사 Douglas Gamage file 2017.07.25
162 한국전 휴전 64주년 기념식 file 2017.07.21